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Mieru is a flexible manga and comic book reader
Support for all common formats.
Automatic loading of previous/next chapters.
History of last open titles.
Reopens on last open page.
An elegant & touch friendly interface.
Page turning by tapping the left or right part of the screen.
Fullscreen + landscape & portrait support.
Pinch to zoom support.
Support for opening a folder with image files as a chapter.

Application versions: 
File mieru_2.2.31_armel.deb416.23 KB04/08/2013 - 23:00
File mieru_2.4.19_armel.deb541.51 KB05/08/2013 - 11:30


meowgo's picture

Great application! -salutes-

However, if this one thing is possible, i would stick to it forever, and might donate~
Right-left reading, like you tap on the left and it would go to the next page, like reading an actual manga.
Plus seamless reading: You can scroll every pages~