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Package contains libraries, required by other applications as dependencies. Do not install separately.

Library of various useful C++ code
libwibble collects the foundation code that has been used over time
in various C++ projects by Peter Rockai and Enrico Zini, so that it can
be maintained properly and in a single place.
The code has minimal dependencies, a test suite, and can be used either as an
external library or embedded in projects based on either cmake or autotools.
The library contains:
* an exception hierarchy;
* various useful mixin classes;
* shortcuts for set operations;
* a featureful self-documenting commandline parser that also supports
cvs/svn-style subcommands;
* two different unit-testing system, a tut-based and a custom one;
* a non-intrusive polymorphic envelope;
* a logging system;
* string functions, like splitting, path manipulation, regular
expressions and word wrapping;
* system functions, like directory iteration, file manipulation, process
control, thread functions;
* gregorian calendar operations.


Application versions: 
File libwibble-dev_0.1.28-1.1_armel.deb1.45 MB05/08/2013 - 01:02

libwibble (0.1.28-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

* Non maintainer upload.
* Fix build failure with GCC 4.7 (Francesca Ciceri). Closes; #667259.