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Package contains libraries, required by other applications as dependencies. Do not install separately.

multiple-precision integer library [runtime]
LibTomMath is a C language library that provides a vast array of highly
optimized functions for number theory; including:
* Simple Algebra (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
* Digit Manipulation (shift, binary AND/OR/XOR)
* Modular Reduction (Barrett, Montgomery, DR, 2k)
* Number Theory
- Greatest Common Divisor
- Least Common Multiple
- Jacobi Symbol Computation
- Multiplicative Inverse
- Modular Exponentiation
- Fermat & Miller-Rabin Primality Tests
* Miscellaneous
- Root finding over Z
- Pseudo-random integers
- Signed & Unsigned comparisons
- Karatsuba and Toom-Cook multiplication algorithms
- Fast Comba based Multiplier, Squaring and Montgomery routines
This package contains the library itself which is need to run programs that
use LibTomMath.


Application versions: 
File libtommath0_0.42.0-1_armel.deb59.19 KB05/08/2013 - 11:56

libtommath (0.42.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

* New upstream release, closes: #508900.
* change override to optional, closes: #610549.
* debian/control: Bump Std-Ver
+ Don't install
* debian/control: Add Homepage
* debian/watch: added