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Package contains libraries, required by other applications as dependencies. Do not install separately.

Plasma Library for the KDE Platform
This package contains the Plasma library. Plasma is one of the key
technologies of KDE 4 (also known as the "Pillars of KDE"), and one of the
most visible to users. It is the component that is "in charge" of the desktop
interface; the desktop, panel (often referred simply as the task bar), and
related elements. Plasma aims to change the traditional concepts of the
"Desktop", incorporating semantic application elements, and bringing
cooperating technologies to the user's fingertips in a way that is visually
appealing while easing work flow.
It is part of the KDE Development Platform libraries module.


Application versions: 
File libplasma3_4.8-0_armel.deb1.17 MB14/11/2013 - 20:56

kde4libs (4:4.8-0) unstable; urgency=low

* New upstream release