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Package contains libraries, required by other applications as dependencies. Do not install separately.

library for accessing the Irman Infra Red hardware
libirman is a library that allows access to Irman Infra Red hardware from
Linux and other Unix systems.
For general application programming, the preferred interface for infra-red
control is `lirc', as lirc supports multiple programs sharing the same
infra-red receiver. It does this by providing a socket based interface to
which several programs can connect.
lirc uses libirman to interface with the Irman Infra Red hardware, so in
single use applications directly using libirman is simpler and uses less
system resources. Currently, lirc only works on Linux systems, so programs
written using libirman directly are more portable.
NOTE: This debian package is mainly provided so that Irman support can be
enabled in lirc package and there is no libirman0 because upstream doesn't
build a shared library.


Application versions: 
File libirman-dev_0.4.4-2_armel.deb32.55 KB05/08/2013 - 11:51

libirman (0.4.4-2) unstable; urgency=low

* Add myself to uploaders for some QA work.
* Cleanup changelog.
* Wrap build-deps and uploaders.
* Add ${misc:Depends}.
* Set Debhelper compatibility level via debian/compat instead of DH_COMPAT.
* Cleanup rules.
* Pass -s to dh_* calls in binary-arch.
* Cleanup watch file.
* Drop useless debian/dirs, preinst, postinst, prerm, postrm,
* Cleanup copyright, *.install files, *.links, and watch file.
* Only pass