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basic utility programs for using capabilities
This package contains the programs getpcaps, capsh, getcap, and setcap for
manipulation of capabilities. The manpages of this package reference the
manpage cap_from_text(3) from the libcap-dev package. Please install the
libcap-dev package if you need its documentation.

Application versions: 
File libcap2-bin_2.21-2_armel.deb24.31 KB14/11/2013 - 20:56

libcap2 (1:2.21-2) unstable; urgency=low

[ Serge Hallyn ]
* Non-maintainer upload.
* 0002-support-getting-setting-capabilities-on-large-files.patch: patch from
upstream to enable setting capabilities on large files.
(Closes: #631134)

[ Torsten Werner ]
* Move package to alioth's collab-maint project.
* Use git instead of svn.
* Update Vcs-* headers in debian/control.

[ Zhi Li ]
* Modify long description in libcap2-bin/debian/control, remove those files that were not generated.
(Closes: #620345)