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Perl module for hierarchical tag/value structures
Boulder provides a simple stream-oriented format for transmitting data
objects between one or more processes. It does not provide for the
serialization of Perl objects the way FreezeThaw or Data::Dumper do,
but it does provide the advantage of being language independent.
In addition to a stream-oriented interface, Boulder comes with a
simple record-oriented database-oriented interface, Boulder::Store,
which provides query and search capabilities comparable to many flat
file DBMS systems.

Application versions: 
File libboulder-perl_1.30-4_all.deb166.57 KB05/08/2013 - 14:39

libboulder-perl (1.30-4) unstable; urgency=low

* Team upload.

[ gregor herrmann ]
* Split out changes to upstream code into separate patches; add quilt
* debian/watch: use dist-based URL.
* debian/control: Changed: Switched Vcs-Browser field to ViewSVN
(source stanza).
* debian/control: Added: ${misc:Depends} to Depends: field.

[ Nathan Handler ]
* debian/watch: Update to ignore development releases.

[ Russ Allbery ]
* Remove myself from Uploaders.
* Update debhelper compatibility level to V8.
- Use debhelper rule minimization.
* Update copyright to the DEP-5 format and add more copyright holders.
* Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt) and remove quilt dependencies.
* Update standards version to 3.9.1.
* Remove unnecessary Priority and Section fields in the binary stanza.
* Fix additional spelling and formatting errors in the POD
* Merge Build-Depends-Indep into Build-Depends. For a package that
builds only arch-all binary packages, there's no point in separating