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Measure the time difference between networked computers
Clockdiff computes the difference between the time of the machine on
which it is called and the time of other network-accessible machines.
The time differences measured by clockdiff are obtained using a
sequence of ICMP TSTAMP messages which are returned to the sender by
the IP module in the remote machine.

Application versions: 
File iputils-clockdiff_20101006-1_armel.deb23.1 KB14/11/2013 - 20:56

iputils (3:20101006-1) unstable; urgency=low

* New upstream release.
* Remove patches that are now applied upstream.
* Update Vcs-* fields in debian/control to point to git repos.
* Update debian/copyright to include the BSD license text.
* Override lintian's possible-gpl-code-linked-with-openssl error on
iputils-ping. ping6 links against libcrypto and is BSD licensed.