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This SailfishOS app allows you to search for traditional session music on and to store favourites in a local database and converts abc format text to SVG versions of the sheet music, using abcm2ps, which is also packaged in my repository.

The application now uses pyotherside 1.4, which is packaged in the Sailfish repos, so if you've upgraded recently that should already be installed.

Please leave feedback if you use this, it really helps me to work out what improvements and changes I need to make.

Also, donations are welcome... either via Bitcoin at:


Or via Paypal

Application versions: 
File thesessionfinder-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm99.95 KB27/02/2014 - 16:26
File thesessionfinder-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm104.54 KB04/03/2014 - 18:50
File thesessionfinder-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm104.53 KB18/03/2014 - 12:57
File thesessionfinder-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm105.17 KB19/03/2015 - 17:28
File thesessionfinder-0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm105.15 KB05/05/2015 - 13:04



objectifnul's picture

Could not be installed in Yliaavanlampi.

roboro's picture

Sorry... I forgot to update it here... just a change in pyotherside version.

Glad to discover that other people are using this. :)