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Imageworks is the most complete photo editor and image manipulation app for SailfishOS to date. It provides a huge amount of functions, effects and editing possibilities.

Please report bugs and feature requests at:

IMPORTANT for versions prior to 1.0-1:
This app furthermore requires python3-pillow, which can be downloaded here or here,

From version > 1.1.3 the libs are included.

For version > 1.2 and SFOS > 4 simply insall python3-imaging on the cli if it isn't installed automatically.

devel-su zypper install python3-imaging


pkcon install python3-imaging


Application versions: 
File harbour-simplecrop-0.6.2-0.armv7hl.rpm6.61 MB14/10/2020 - 17:32
File harbour-simplecrop-0.6.2-0.i486.rpm6.61 MB14/10/2020 - 17:32
File harbour-simplecrop-0.6.3-0.i486.rpm6.54 MB19/03/2021 - 11:50
File harbour-simplecrop-0.6.3-0.armv7hl.rpm6.54 MB19/03/2021 - 11:50
File harbour-simplecrop-1.0-1.i486.rpm7.11 MB11/04/2021 - 15:07
File harbour-simplecrop-1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm7.08 MB11/04/2021 - 15:14
File harbour-simplecrop-1.0-2.armv7hl.rpm7.82 MB21/04/2021 - 14:17
File harbour-simplecrop-1.0-2.i486.rpm8 MB21/04/2021 - 14:17
File harbour-simplecrop-1.1.3-1.armv7hl.rpm7.77 MB20/08/2021 - 22:35
File harbour-simplecrop-1.1.3-1.i486.rpm7.78 MB20/08/2021 - 22:35
File harbour-simplecrop-1.1.3-1.aarch64.rpm6.54 MB22/08/2021 - 16:27
File harbour-simplecrop-1.2.0-1.i486.rpm7.78 MB03/01/2022 - 17:25
File harbour-simplecrop-1.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm7.6 MB03/01/2022 - 17:25
File harbour-simplecrop-1.2.0-1.aarch64.rpm6.54 MB03/01/2022 - 17:25
File harbour-simplecrop-1.2.1-1.i486.rpm7.78 MB21/06/2022 - 11:57
File harbour-simplecrop-1.2.1-1.armv7hl.rpm7.61 MB21/06/2022 - 11:57
File harbour-simplecrop-1.2.2-1.aarch64.rpm6.54 MB21/06/2022 - 11:57
File harbour-simplecrop-1.2.3-1.noarch.rpm6.6 MB31/05/2023 - 17:51

 - add crop ratios
-  add invert ratio function
- new layout.

- permissions for Removable media added
- fix translations, German still incomplete.
- test moving to qml only. with newest version.

- version for 3.4 arm/i486
- fix translations

- sailjail for compatibilty
- still no sharing (sigh)
- metadata fro chum.


Testing a new build with only use of internal, sfos, python libs (PIL, python-imaging).

The arm and x86 builds had a 3.4 target. It should be fine for 4.1. with aarch64. This is a bit of a mess, but it's getting there. pleae let me know if if works. Or doesn't.

Fixes include Fixes from tobias:

Also, the aarch64bit version contains support for sharing.

- minor QML updates
- packaging.

- moved the pillow library to a local include
- added another, untested build


v0.6.3: "final version"
- minor bugfixes and UI changes


DrYak's picture

Hello, you've brought imageworks to Sailfishos:chum, but forgot to add the run-time dependency in that package:

/usr/share/harbour-simplecrop/lib/ is refered to by the code.

By PIL isn't packaged inside and thus it still depends on the python3-pillow-simd package.

planetos_store's picture

Thanks, missed it. Shouldn't trigger a warning, though, since PIL will be found if it's installed via chum or zypper. At least, I can't provoke any errors. It's a bit messy packaging since I'm trying to support older releases (3.4) which require the pillow as shipped with the package.

I've removed it from the chum / SFOS>4 branch. Thanks!

schosslarock's picture

Doesent work on Xperia 10 II because there is no python3-pillow 64bit lib.

gembiak's picture

How to make a collage? After starting the application, I can select only one photo and the collage button is inactive all the time.
Thank you in advance.

lkdhf's picture

Feature request: It would be nice if you could zoom in on a picture to edit it, to make it easier to put the cursor in the right spot.

levone1's picture

Tested new version on aarch64, and works great. Thanks

TMavica's picture

I have 2 pictures 2 files, can it combine them together? I mean combine the 2 files pictures together

planetos_store's picture

Only in the primitive sense.
- open img 1, select area and copy
- open img 2, paste ;)

Something like layers and opacity combines isn't implemented. Collaging is also there ;)


TMavica's picture

Can u built a 64 bit package please?

planetos_store's picture

There is a 64bit aarch version available. some say it works ;)

planetos_store's picture

The libs are, I believe 32bit arm even though the app itself is 64bit. Have you tested a couple of filters and effects?

planetos_store's picture

aarch64 uploaded.

TMavica's picture

Thx! Maybe videoworks too?

Ingvix's picture

It appears at least some filters aren't applied properly. Warmer and colder for example just make the image brighter though in the preview they show correctly. I didn't test too many but at least some filters do work correctly so it's not all broken.

planetos_store's picture

I believe these are fixed in 1.1.3. Tobias also submitted a number of other fixes (posterize now works)....

planetos_store's picture

I haven't had the chance to test all the filters but know of a couple of things that won't work because of linking (not supported library stuff) and a couple of bugs to boot. I'm moving to a new pillow library version soon and will test in that round.

explit's picture

Please add i486 build! Thanks

planetos_store's picture

Hi explit, an i486 build of Imageworks should be available here. Is it not working?

chris7chris's picture

Thank you for your apps. I like them. But I miss your Bible apps. Is there a way to download them?

planetos_store's picture

Re-uploaded now.

explit's picture

Thanks for the usefull app!