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The voice assistant for Sailfish OS.

+ Voice search in Google (images included)
+ Getting weather information with voice
+ Navigation with voice
+ Calling contacts with voice
+ Opening camera application with voice
+ Simple device control with voice
+ User commands
+ Support languages: Russian and English


Application versions: 
File harbour-serra-0.2.1-3.armv7hl.rpm109.71 KB29/01/2017 - 21:40
File harbour-serra-0.2.2-4.armv7hl.rpm110.04 KB30/01/2017 - 12:06
File harbour-serra-0.2.3-5.armv7hl.rpm109.9 KB30/01/2017 - 17:18
File harbour-serra-0.2.4-6.armv7hl.rpm111.21 KB31/01/2017 - 08:48
File harbour-serra-0.3.0-8.armv7hl.rpm121.39 KB03/02/2017 - 22:41
File harbour-serra-0.3.1-9.armv7hl.rpm121.38 KB04/02/2017 - 17:49
File harbour-serra-0.4.0-10.armv7hl.rpm136.54 KB02/08/2017 - 21:11
File harbour-serra-0.4.1-11.armv7hl.rpm136.27 KB03/08/2017 - 21:01
File harbour-serra-0.5.0-12.armv7hl.rpm139.11 KB15/08/2017 - 00:21
File harbour-serra-0.6.0-13.armv7hl.rpm144.55 KB04/10/2017 - 22:11


  • Added command "Show agenda"
  • Added command "Create note"
  • Code improvements



  • GPS management temporarily unavailable


  • Added images search
  • Added calling contacts with voice capability
  • Fixed bluetooth module


  • Fixed bug with do-not-open mode
  • Fixed bug with clearing search results (text search)
  • Voice reply stops when recording is active


  • Added voice replies
  • Added do-not-open mode
  • Added user commands (available from `Commands list`)
  • Added voice navigation
  • Improved record process


  • Improved detecting English commands
  • Settings system language as default after first run
  • Small UI improvements


  • Fixed problem with default voice commands language


  • Fixed a problem with lots requests to Google
  • Standard time for voice command is 6 seconds (tap for search starting is not required any more)
  • "Tap-and-speak" mode (available in settings)


Osanwe's picture

Other commands do not have voice answer yet and it is possible to think that they do not work. I will add this feature lately.

Please, check twice. Maybe you did not notice that command was done. 

P.S. Search is made every time when you say something.

Ingvix's picture

You were right. Some commands are just rather hard to input at least with english as the app likes to hear wi-fi as wife and also flash light it typed with a space and the command is without it so it won't work. Take a selfie -command was the only one that didn't seem to do anything even when it was heard right.

Also set the recording button's preventStealing property to true. Right now with the tap-and-talk-mode if the finger happens to move a bit while holding the button the pull-down menu activates and messes up the recording.

Osanwe's picture

Thanks. Fixed.
