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The new MDK3 uses the osdep injection library from the project. The Linux-dependant includes have been removed, mdk3 compiles and runs on FreeBSD and even Windows (Cygwin). For Windows you need special drivers, a possibly illegal DLL file and the cygwin environment. Please see the aircrack-ng website for details about Packet Injection in Windows.

MDK3 works on the new mac80211 stack.
If you are a Linux user, just make, make install and have fun.
If you are a FreeBSD user, do the same, and report back to me, if it works correctly there.
If you are a Windows user, good luck, but expect no support from me.
MDK3 is licenced under GPLv2.


  • Bruteforce MAC Filters
  • Bruteforce hidden SSIDs (some small SSID wordlists included)
  • Probe networks to check if they can hear you
  • intelligent Authentication-DoS to freeze APs (with success checks)
  • FakeAP - Beacon Flooding with channel hopping (can crash NetStumbler and some buggy drivers)
  • Disconnect everything (aka AMOK-MODE) with Deauthentication and Disassociation packets
  • WPA TKIP Denial-of-Service
  • WDS Confusion - Shuts down large scale multi-AP installations
Application versions: 
File mdk3_6_armel.deb107.59 KB10/11/2013 - 21:17