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ToDo:Read is application for reading articles you've postponed.
Support for Read It Later service enables you to read articles anytime from your mobile device.
This application also allows you to download the articles for reading offline.
Ovi Store archived link:
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this application from Ovi Store some time before closure.
It might not be the newest available version.
Use it on your own responsibility.
Application versions: 
File todoread_0.0.5_armel.deb94.69 KB10/01/2020 - 00:07

todoread (0.0.5) unstable; urgency=low

* Speed up using opengl and caching
* Minimize showing network connection dialog a bit
* Fix authentication
* Fix various bugs


Hudhand's picture

UPD: It does not work, like Pockeego.

There are differences from Pockeego:

  • When adding a webpage, you can rename the title
  • Articles can be opened directly in the application, without a browser application