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With Podcatcher you can subscribe to and manage your podcast subscriptions right from your mobile phone! Podcatcher will always have the subscriptions up to date and have the latest episodes ready to be listened to with just one click. Download them to your phone or just stream them immediately.
Thanks to the gPodder.net integration you can import your podcasts from your account and easily search for new ones.

Ovi Store archived link:

I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this application from Ovi Store some time before closure.
It might not be the newest available version.
Use it on your own responsibility.



Application versions: 
File podcatcher_1.1.10_armel.deb243.31 KB20/05/2019 - 00:22

podcatcher (1.1.10) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release.


smartblu9's picture

This alternative to gPodder app is very very slow to discover podcasts sources. Luckily it allows to sync subscriptions from gpodder.net . So I created an account on gpodder.net, add subscriptions and synchronized them in "Podcatcher" !

w32blaster's picture

My favourite podcast client for my N9. Still wait for official port to Jolla :)

sdiconov's picture

Just in case, the Jolla port is here: https://openrepos.net/content/carolus/podcatcher