Transparent Theme for Harmattan

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This is The transparent theme for harmattan. It has same background-image all views.

After install, go to ThemeChanger and change theme to transparent. And before uninstall, change theme to some else than transparent.

Big Thanks to:

Ancelad, consultation

kebbana, graphig elements

If you have any question, please do it on TMO.

Application versions: 
File transparent_0.0.5_armel.deb2.16 MB11/12/2013 - 02:31
File transparent_0.0.6_armel.deb2.16 MB11/12/2013 - 22:32
File transparent_0.0.7_armel.deb2.16 MB11/12/2013 - 22:43
File transparent_0.0.8_armel.deb2.35 MB22/12/2013 - 01:52
File transparent_0.0.9_armel.deb2.35 MB26/12/2013 - 00:11
File transparent_0.1.0_armel.deb2.36 MB03/01/2014 - 11:03


-some fine-tuning



-fixed facebook-sharing from gallery

-fixed Rocket's HS feed setting view (or what it was)


-fixed calendar weekview

-fixed calendar event-edit view

-changed font to more lighter


-fixed installation prosses


-fixed App-Switcher close-cross position on landscape



MK99's picture

Hello. Just for interesting to check this up. There are still some new downloads... Nice to see this. :)

passibond's picture


my phone is now 2nd time to the support to end my reboot-loop. :(

I don't know if it's connect to your theme, but last time I also had install the theme and short after that I got that reboot-loop.

But it is a good theme. It improve the usability of the N9. :)

Singh's picture

Well i removed it and its still in some areas of the phone like top bar, i reboot my phone for 2 times but its still there, how to remove it properly. Pls help

MK99's picture

Change your theme to blanco via ThemeChanger.

Singh's picture

Thanks for helping its ok now

Udemzy's picture

Ok, thanks already got those ones.

Udemzy's picture

Nice theme. But in landscape the "x" to close apps does not appear in the middle, like it does in potrait. Overall I like the theme a lot would be nice if you add more 3rd party icons.

MK99's picture

Ahaa, ok. Seems like I forget it. I will fix it soon...

You can get some icons from HERE, but i can try to make icon if you wish for something special.

idtch's picture
