Slovak Community translation for Jolla

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This is a community Slovak translation for the Jolla.

You can contribute to the translations here:

After installing this package you can change language to 'Slovak' in the Settings -> Languages menu

If you are updating the package it is not necessary to reboot the device, it is enough to go to Settings -> Other tools and select the  "Restart Home Screen" action.


Many thanks for all the contributors for their time and work spent on this translation!


Application versions: 
File unofficial-jolla-language-pack-sk-3.4.0-0.0.1.noarch.rpm177.88 KB04/09/2020 - 23:28
File unofficial-jolla-language-pack-sk-3.4.0-0.0.2.noarch.rpm177.96 KB15/09/2020 - 22:20

- Updated from pootle


1michal1's picture

Super dakujem

1michal1's picture

Super. Dakujem za preklad. Bola by super aj SK klavesnica.

konstan's picture

Ahoj, ja používam českú klávesnicu, obsahuje aj SK znaky. Pre viac info sleduj [Official announcement] L10n strings for 3.4.0 a [Slovak] Preparing for inclusion in the Sailfish OS release.