Pastebin application for Jolla.
You need to be registered in pastebin for this to work, no guest mode. (PRO account preferred)
- List your pastes
- Delete paste
- Post new paste
- View paste, and save it to a file
- Private pastes are not supported in-app
- Post new paste from commandline, stdin pipe, (always unlisted) examples
cat mytext | harbour-kladi - echo kissa | harbour-kladi - "cat poop" 1H
(If GUI is running when pasting from CLI it will auto-refresh)
At first use, pull-down to Login, enter your credentials. A userkey will be created through pastebin api, and stored in settings to be used in all future transactions.
kladi is a (maybe) finnish nautical slang term for deck log.
Attachment | Size | Date |
harbour-kladi-0.0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm | 33.52 KB | 31/05/2015 - 23:03 |
0.0.4 - first publish-worth version
Mon, 2015/06/01 - 10:05
very nice!