The holy book of FSM

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The holy book of FSM, is a collenction of apocrypha writings, describing the adventures of the FSM and it's chosen people, found on the internet under the name Loose Canon.

With the exception of the foreword, I haven't written any of these texts, all I have done is to edit the texts so it fits the screen of your Jolla, and write a small program to present the result to you.

If you have comments, problems or whishes to this app, please visit my forum at


Application versions: 
File fsm-1.0-0.armv7hl.rpm759.17 KB09/04/2014 - 01:30
File fsm-1.1-0.armv7hl.rpm779.62 KB12/04/2014 - 23:35
File fsm-1.2-0.armv7hl.rpm805.85 KB25/04/2014 - 01:20
File fsm-1.3-0.armv7hl.rpm1015.09 KB08/05/2014 - 00:05

Version 1.0

First release, about 1/4 of the texts from Loose Canon has been converted, more to come shortly.

Version 1.1

Some corrections of the already converted texts.

More texts converted, now about 1/2 of the Loose Canon has been converted.

Version 1.2

Some corrections of the already converted texts.

More texts converted, now almost 3/4 of the Loose Canon has been converted.

Version 1.3

Almost all tekst of the Loose Canon has been converted.