CPR Metronome

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This is a simple CPR metronome, if you know what it is for you can skip the following section.

If not please read this and consider taking a CPR course near you so that if you ever end up in this situation you will know what to do and not need to learn on the fly.


When? If you see someone lose conciousness and they are not breathing or breathing in a strange way ("gasping")

What to do?

  1. Call emergency services or ask someone else to do so.
  2. If there are public access defibrillators (AEDs) and there is someone available to do so, send them to fetch one.
  3. Start compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions a minute (the metronome is set to 110), compression depth should be 5-6 cm, compression location is the center of the chest.
  4. If you sent someone to get an AED apply it as soon as it is brought and follow its' instructions.
  5. If there are more people cycle the person doing compressions every 2 minutes or as soon as the person shows signs of tiring whichever comes first.

Adult hands only CPR

After AED arrival

For children you can use 1 hand.

Infant CPR methods

I sincerely hope that you will not need this application unless you are a medical professional/first responder.

About the app

Based on metronome.

Metronome rate - 110, every minute an alternate beep is heard.

Timer to show how long since you started and milestones (currently just help called and AED arrival).

Future features:

- AED connection milestone

- Shock tracking

Maybe also a BLS/ALS mode for futher milestone tracking.

Source can be found on github.

Application versions: 
File harbour-cpr-metronome-0.1-1.noarch.rpm82.78 KB11/08/2024 - 14:19
File harbour-cpr-metronome-0.2-1.noarch.rpm82.8 KB12/09/2024 - 14:27
