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Iftop is a free software command-line system monitor tool developed by Paul Warren. It produces a real-time stream of incoming and outgoing network communications from the operating system iftop is running within.[2] By default, the connections are ordered by bandwidth usage, with only the largest ("top") bandwidth consumers shown. It is analogous to top, but instead of system-wide resource monitoring, it focuses on displaying just network usage. Iftop is typically used for monitoring bandwidth consumption, and while investigating unknown consumers of available network bandwidth.

Application versions: 
File iftop-1.0pre4-0.aarch64.rpm79.65 KB14/03/2025 - 23:51
File iftop-1.0pre4-0.armv7hl.rpm70.09 KB14/03/2025 - 23:51
File iftop-1.0pre4-1.aarch64.rpm79.69 KB16/03/2025 - 20:34
File iftop-1.0pre4-1.armv7hl.rpm70.13 KB16/03/2025 - 20:34

* Sun Mar 16 2025 kan
- added missing dependiences

* Thu Mar 13 2025 kan
- first release at openrepost