A totally unofficial UI for get_iplayer, the unofficial tool for downloading BBC iPlayer TV and radio programmes.
The BBC geofences video downloads, so you'll need a UK IP address to access them. Audio can be downloaded from anywhere.
GetiPlay webpage: https://www.flypig.co.uk/getiplay
GetiPlay on GitHub: https://github.com/llewelld/getiplay
Neither BBC iPlayer nor get_iplayer have any involvement with this. Programmes should only be downloaded in accordance with copyright, TV licensing rules, etc.
* Mon Sep 12 2022 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 1.1-1
- Allow tv and radio listing types to be set independently.
- Update get_iplayer to version 3.30.
- Update radio/tv mode arguments to use quality instead.
- Switch to use the system folder picker.
- Support Sandboxing, including settings migration.
- The AtomicParsley binary is now stripped of debug symbols.
- Switch from org.nemomobile.mpris to Amber.Mpris
* Sat Jul 03 2021 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 1.0-1
- Download latest get_player as part of the build process.
- Include AtomicParsley as a submodule.
- Update AtomicParsley to version 0.9.6.
- Update get_iplayer to version 3.27.
- Remove ffmpeg binary and replace it with a package runtime requirement.
- Internalise dependencies. Perl5 libs are now installed during the build.
- Fix download circle to fill up, rather than deplete during program download.
- Support 64-bit ARM builds.
- Fix preview images on the Program Info page.
* Sat Sep 14 2019 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.9-1
- Support both armv7hl and i486 with separate perl libs and binary tools
- Update ffmpeg to 4.2.git
- Update AtomicParsley to 0.9.4
* Tue Sep 10 2019 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.8-1
- Update to get_iplayer 3.22.
- Update locally installed perl modules to latest versions.
- Add 172x172 size application icon.
Sun Mar 24 2019 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.7-1
- Correct iterator errors when deleting media files and items from queue.
- Correctly trim logfile and prevent UI performance degradation over time.
- Correct an incorrect RPM configuration.
- Remove cyclic dependences in QML.
- Fix various other QML errors.
- Add scroll animation when clicking on tab to jump to the top of the page.
- Allow control using the lockscreen media (MPRIS) controls.
- Improve the button layout on the queue item info screen.
Fri Jun 29 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.6-1
- Allow different replay/skip times with short/long press on button
- Allow replay/skip durations to be configured
- Allow max number of similtaneous refresh connections to be configured
- Record timestamp at start and end of process in the logs
- Support direct download based on PID or URL
- Cosmetic improvements to programme info pages
- Cosmetic improvements to audio and video player icons
- Fix missing coveraction icon bug
Wed Jun 20 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.5-2
- Bugfix to use correct graphics on queue placeholder
- Bugfix to display vesion number on About page
Wed Jun 20 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.5-1
- Add option to list all programmes, combining national, regional and local.
- Improve placeholder help text
- Make currently selected tab persistent across app execution
- Support different resolution graphics for different devices
- Ensure UI works across devices (Jolla One, Jolla C, Xperia X)
Wed Jun 13 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.4-2
- Add missing dependencies (thanks to gaelic for flagging up)
Tue Jun 12 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.4-1
- Allow videos to be played within the app
- Allow audio to be played within the app
- Add media controls to app cover
Sun Jun 10 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.3-3
- Add perl-Digest-SHA as dependency to allow refresh to work
Sat Jun 09 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.3-2
- Add XML::SAX::Base perl libs to allow get_iplayer to work
Wed Jun 06 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.3-1
- Completely reworked tab-based UI
- Improved get_iplayer control (following input from dinkypumpkin)
- Refresh perfomed in the background
- Programmes downloaded in a queue, rather than individually
- Files tracked to ensure queue matches filesystem
- All text now translatable
- Cover page to show queue information on the home screen
- Programme details are collected and can be previewed
- Unified log interface, allowing log to be shared
- Settings page to set storage locations, proxy and programme type
- Updated About page showing details of get_iplayer
Wed May 16 2018 David Llewellyn-Jones <david@flypig.co.uk> 0.2-6
- Update to get-iplayer 3.14
- Store downloaded files in Music/Video directories as appropriate
- Output full get-iplayer command in log window
- Perl dependencies packaged with application
- Include AtomicParsley runtime dependency for get-iplayer
- Improve version number macros
- Ensure data storage follows Harbour guidelines
- Include additional program icon sizes
Tue, 2015/09/29 - 16:41
I just updated the program so it shows a log file when refreshing. It also stores the latest log at /home/nemo/Music/GetiPlay/log.txt
If you could take a look at the output and let me know if it's complaining about anything that would be a big help.
Tue, 2015/09/29 - 18:26
Sorry for late reply, work getting in the way of having fun!
Output to /home/nemo/Music/GetiPlay/log.txt reads;
Finished with code 2
Finished with code 2
( I did try to search twice, probably why the last message is repeated).
Hope this help :)
Tue, 2015/09/29 - 19:47
Thanks for this: very helpful. I'm not sure I've 100% got the reason, but I think it was some missing Perl dependencies. At least I hope so. It's awkward for me to test because removing Perl modules apparently isn't straightforward!
Anyway, I've added what I think was missing to the RPM, which hopefully will move things forwards. If you could give this new version a go, I'd appreciate it.
Tue, 2015/09/29 - 21:56
Hi, tried the 3rd RPM, the result is still the same I'm afraid. clicking refresh, then go, returns me almost immediately, back to an empty programme list.
Wed, 2015/09/30 - 00:34
Sorry :( I've been trying to figure this out all afternoon but without success yet.
If you have access to a terminal on your phone (or can SSH in), it would be helpful if you could post the output from the following:
Wed, 2015/09/30 - 01:34
[nemo@Jolla ~]$ perl -e 'use LWP;print "installed\n"'
Can't locate URI.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at (eval 1) line 2.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTTP/Request.pm line 3.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/LWP/UserAgent.pm line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/LWP/UserAgent.pm line 10.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/LWP.pm line 7.
Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
[nemo@Jolla ~]$
Tue, 2015/09/29 - 15:08
Yep, you've got it. You need to refresh first. The search field just filters the local list once there is one.
I'll update the programme now to include some logging to make it easier to figure out what's going wrong. It's almost certainly some mistake I've made that's preventing get_iplayer running correctly in the background.
Tue, 2015/09/29 - 13:03
hi flypig, app installed okay, but search doesn't appear to actually search at all. 'No items found' is always displayed. Any ideas?