Crest is a 'top/ps' like application. Forked from
As of version 1.8.1, Crest will no longer use the external 'ps' command, but gather this process info itself.
Filtered processes
The default view is apps only. But what defines an app? Crest simple used to filter names like "harbour-", "jolla-" or processes with dots. Lighthouse also has an app view, but filters app names found in /usr/share/applications.
Crest now also matches the desktop files in /usr/share/applications and ~/.local/share/applications, but also includes sailfish-qml apps/processes (which seems more accurate than the old method Crest used).
In "Show all processes" mode Crest does not show the processes that appear between brackets; processes that do not have an associated command line (mostly kernel threads and some system services). They do not display memory usage, but can use CPU power. Not showing these processes shortens the process list a lot.
If "Incl. no cmdline [top 60]" is actived, those processes are also shown. To shorten the list and prevent higher cpu load, the list is limited to the top 60 entries.
Crest shows the resident set size (RSS). It is less accurate than proportional set size (PSS), as PSS handles used shared memory use better. The downside of PSS is that you need to have privileged access to collect that info.
nemo/defaultuser = Theme.secondaryColor
root = Theme.primaryColor
others (android, media, system etc.) = Theme.secondaryHighlightColor
Running as nemo/defaultuser, you can only kill your own processes.
But when /usr/bin/sudo is located and does not ask for a password, it will use that when needed (assuming sudo is configured correctly, else it fails of course), so root and android processes can be terminated as well. Needless to say killing random processes can make your system unstable or even crash.
Sources on github
Fri, 2021/02/19 - 08:31
Ok, thanks.
Tue, 2021/02/16 - 16:26
Does not show the apps under Sailfish 4.0
Tue, 2021/02/16 - 16:31
Why don't you read the description first?
Tue, 2020/04/28 - 02:08
Thats ok now. I also can use sudo mode, Thanks
Sun, 2020/04/26 - 07:17
Yes. I just hold in all /app only process page, the percentage wont change, the original old version is keep changing in %
Sun, 2020/04/26 - 10:50
Xperia XA, Jolla Phone, Jolla tablet, all work as expected here when talking about process refresh.
You are aware that the pulley text does not say the current state, but the state in will be in once selected? That's a bit different from the older version.
If you are still convinced you have an issue I can only ask if you see error messages when starting from the terminal and if so, paste them here.
Sun, 2020/04/26 - 01:43
I set auto.refresh on, the page still not refresh itself. Also how to use sudo mode in it?
Sun, 2020/04/26 - 02:03
If not much is happening regarding processes, it might look not being refreshed perhaps?
I mentioned only the basics for using sudo with the idea in mind "people who are not familiar with sudo perhaps also should not use this feature".
Sun, 2020/04/26 - 01:29
It seem autorrefresh on is not working
Sun, 2020/04/26 - 01:36
Works as expected here: choosing "Autorefresh off" turns off refesh, selecting "Autorefresh on" from the pulley starts autorefresh once again.