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Quickddit is a free and open source Reddit client for mobile phones. Quickddit is not an official client of Reddit and is not affiliated with Reddit in any way.

This is Quickddit for SailfishOS. If you are looking for harmattan version - check here Quickddit for Harmattan

Features include:

  • Sign in with your Reddit account or browse anonymously
  • Multi Account
  • Very quick navigation through content
  • Threaded comments view
  • Browse your private messages, comment and post  replies, sent messages
  • Manage your subscribed subreddit list
  • Vote on comments and posts
  • Save comments and posts
  • Multireddit support
  • Integrated image viewer
  • Integrated reddit and imgur album viewer
  • Integrated video player
  • Integrated webbrowser
  • Search for posts and subreddits
  • Add, reply, edit and delete comments
  • Submit new links and self-posts
  • Edit your posts and comments
  • Inbox Notifications to the event screen
  • Browse user's profile
  • TOR support
  • Watches clipboard for Reddit links

Source available at GitHub, licensed under GNU GPL v3+. Changelog for every release also available at GitHub.

More information and discussion at the TMO thread.

Bitcoin donations welcome: 3NhheF8z8sTxpbsCVUpW6HWH8DpADoH46m


Application versions: 
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.0-1.i486.rpm2.45 MB03/09/2020 - 12:45
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.0-1.armv7hl.rpm2.4 MB03/09/2020 - 12:45
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.1-1.i486.rpm2.46 MB06/10/2020 - 12:50
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.1-1.armv7hl.rpm2.41 MB06/10/2020 - 12:50
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1.35 MB05/03/2021 - 15:33
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.2-1.i486.rpm1.4 MB05/03/2021 - 15:33
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.2-1.aarch64.rpm1.36 MB31/03/2021 - 20:37
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.3-1.i486.rpm1.41 MB28/04/2021 - 14:47
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.3-1.armv7hl.rpm1.36 MB28/04/2021 - 14:47
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.3-1.aarch64.rpm1.37 MB28/04/2021 - 14:47
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.4-1.i486.rpm1.41 MB22/09/2021 - 10:48
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.4-1.armv7hl.rpm1.36 MB22/09/2021 - 10:48
File harbour-quickddit-1.10.4-1.aarch64.rpm1.37 MB22/09/2021 - 10:48
File harbour-quickddit-1.11.0-1.i486.rpm1.41 MB03/01/2023 - 15:37
File harbour-quickddit-1.11.0-1.armv7hl.rpm1.36 MB03/01/2023 - 15:37
File harbour-quickddit-1.11.0-1.aarch64.rpm1.37 MB03/01/2023 - 15:37
File harbour-quickddit-1.11.1-1.i486.rpm1.41 MB06/03/2023 - 23:49
File harbour-quickddit-1.11.1-1.armv7hl.rpm1.36 MB06/03/2023 - 23:49
File harbour-quickddit-1.11.1-1.aarch64.rpm1.37 MB06/03/2023 - 23:49

- fix: remember settings (thanks DeathByDenim)
- new: redgifs videos (thanks Thaodan)


accumulator's picture

The Hide function uses Reddit's API and stores nothing locally, so it's only available if you log in.

t0t3u's picture

Hahaha! Thank you! ^.^

t0t3u's picture

Hi, Do you have an ETA for the next release?
Thank you for this great app!

accumulator's picture

well, yes! 5 minutes ago :)

bade866's picture

First of all, this application is great, I love it. I am on an xperia phone. I have one issue and one question.

- sometimes, like three times till now, when i want to watch a very large gif on your app, the whole phone freezes. Like you cannot do anything with the phone. No restart, no switching app, no closing Quickddit. This happened two days ago like towards the end of the gif. It was a large gif since it took quite a long time to load. I waited for like three minutes hoping it would finish the job and become responsive again but it did not. I had to push arrow-up and power to restart the phone. Do you have any suggestions on this?

- I never login to reddit, but I would love some functionality to filter out sume sub-reddit threads, something like the functionality of "relay for reddit" in android. It is just that some of these threads are too active and too irrelevant for me. Do you have any plans on this area?

accumulator's picture

Any issues you find with Quickddit should be reported on github: https://github.com/accumulator/Quickddit/issues

Some images causing trouble is a known issue, and unfortunately not fixable by the app, it should be fixed in the Silica/QtQuick components itself.

If you have ideas for improvement, please submit then to github as well!

tekk's picture

Hey, don't know if you're still maintaining this but I can't see images. Anyone else with this problem?

drcouzelis's picture

I can select "Top" from the "Section" pulley menu, but is there a way to select between "Past hour", "Past 24 hours", "Past week", "Past month", "Past year", "All time" from inside Quickddit?

(Sorry, also posted here: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1509886&postcount=98)

Thank you for the excellent application! I use it daily. :)

accumulator's picture

Since 1.3.0 you can!

Feathers_McGraw's picture

Hey, any chance of making the size of thumbnails scale depending on screen size? They look very small on Nexus 5, but the proportion is great on Jolla.

Here's a screenshot on N5: http://imgur.com/hHMl06T

Feathers_McGraw's picture

Thanks so much for implementing this :)

accumulator's picture

Does it look ok, yes? If you can, can you post another screenshot?


Feathers_McGraw's picture

Thanks so much for implementing manual scaling of thumbnails, I've been looking into fixing PPI reporting on FP2 but this was a nice surprise!

mkiol's picture

It is getting better and better... Quickddit is a shining star of all Sailfish OS apps!

accumulator's picture

Thanks for the positive feedback. Really keeps me motivated. (well, that, and my own need for reddit-on-the-go :)


I'm sure you'll like the new 0.9.0 release!

carepack's picture

imho one of the best looking and best functional apps on jolla. always fascinating how a dev is developing constantly a client and it's gettin better and better. I miss more apps like this one



Feathers_McGraw's picture

I love this app, thank you so much for making it!

nodevel's picture

Thanks for the new version (0.6)!

I want to report a small (but annoying) problem introduced in 0.6. It seems that in the comments, your text covers the BackgroundItem, therefore the comment gets highlighted only if you tap and hold outside the text. Is it intentional? Because I liked being able to see an indication that comments are interactive.

accumulator's picture

Hi nodevel. I think it's best if you file this as a bug at github, because this change is the result of a patch a contributor made. If you post it there I'm sure he'll see it.

nodevel's picture

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I will probably make a pull request instead, because my eyes hurt looking at a ListItem, then a Flickable and another MouseArea on top of it.

heubergen's picture

A voat client would be great.

tathhu's picture

Landscape would be very cooooooooooooool so I could really use my TOHKBD. :)

accumulator's picture

will take a look at this. shouldn't be too hard :)

accumulator's picture

"will take a look at this. shouldn't be too hard :)"

famous last words :) took me a few days to make it look good.

Let me know how it works with TOHKBD

mkiol's picture

Sign-out / Sign-in fixes the "Bad Request" problem.

Thank you very much for this app. I just couldn't imagine my Jolla without Quickddit!
